LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program)

The LIHEAP Program has ENDED for this heating season.  Applications for assistance are accepted during the LIHEAP Program year, from October 1 - April 30. (Heating season)

Energy Share is available year round - please see below for more information.

If your home HAS NOT been weatherized in the last 10 years, SUMMER WEATHERIZATION applications are available by contacting the HRC Weatherization Department at 406-728-3710.


Please be advised that we are not reviewing applications at the time of submission.
To ensure proper processing please be sure any household member over the age of 18  signs & dates your application.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: (406) 728-7680
Mail:  1801 S. Higgins Avenue, Missoula, MT 59801

*************************LIHEAP APPLICATION INFORMATION**********************
Completed applications must be submitted to HRC at 1801 South Higgins, Missoula, MT 59801 between 10/1 - 4/30.

  • Apply on-line at
  • Call (406) 728-3710 to be mailed an application.
  • For additional information and to download and print the LIHEAP application, please go to
  • Households whose heat is part of the rent and their rent is subsidized, may qualify for a 5 year benefit and food stamp (SNAP) increase (you must prove your LIHEAP eligibility to your SNAP caseworker).

Benefit is determined by the type of fuel, type of dwelling, number of persons living in the home and the amount of gross income earned by all persons living in the home regardless of relationship.

Household income limits are based on federal poverty guidelines. Benefit checks are issued to your fuel vendor by the State of Montana unless you heat with wood, your utilities are part of your rent or you are being reimbursed for fuel purchases. In those conditions, a check will come to you from HRC.

Documentation required includes photocopies of:

  • Identification proving citizenship (social security card, birth certificate or legal entry as a permanent resident) for all persons living at this address.
  • Photo ID for everyone living at the address.
  • Copies of most recent home energy bill(s) showing name, current service address and account numbers for all fuel types.
  • Proof of all gross income for all persons now living in the home for the month previous to the month you apply.
  • Proof of the value of resources and business equity, including complete, current bank account statements.
  • Proof of all out of pocket health insurance premiums paid by a household member for a household member.
  • Households whose heat is included in their rent will have to provide paid rent receipts and a statement from your landlord.

If the home's heating fuel account is in the name of someone who doesn't live in the household, payment cannot be made directly to that account. The household will have to pay for their energy use and be reimbursed after proof of payment has been submitted to LIHEAP.

Some vendors offer discounts to LIHEAP eligible households.

  • Northwestern Energy (NWE) may give a discount to their gas and electric customers.
  • Missoula Water may give a monthly credit to LIHEAP eligible household with an account in their name.  Submit a copy of your bill showing the account information.
  • Missoula Electric Co-op, may give a discount to their customers who heat with electricity, from the date of LIHEAP eligibility until the end of each program year.

LIHEAP clearing house at the National Center for Appropriate Technology

The Human Resource Council can help LIHEAP eligible homeowners deal with emergencies related to their heating source and/or possibly their hot water heater.  Please contact us immediately if you have a home heating emergency.

Check your NorthWestern Energy account here.

Contact Human Resource Council's Missoula office for additional information.

ENERGY SHARE OF MONTANAEnergyShare Logos RGB Vertical FullColor

Energy Share of Montana is a statewide private non-profit corporation. Application for assistance and intake in Mineral, Missoula and Ravalli Counties is through the Human Resource Council. Energy Share accesses various sources of funds and most of them do not have an income cap.

Energy Share helps households facing an immediate energy emergency when they have exhausted all other resources. Energy Share can help households who have used up their energy assistance benefit or do not qualify for LIHEAP. Energy Share can also help with replacing or repairing certain inefficient/unsafe older appliances, water heaters and furnaces, if the situation meets certain guidelines.

A local committee meets regularly to decide on a case-by-case basis whether to recommend assistance, the amount of assistance and any co-payment required.  The program is active in all three counties.  Call our Missoula office at (406) 728-3710 to find out if you are eligible to apply.

Contact Human Resource Council's Missoula office for additional information, or visit the State Office of Energy Share of Montana.


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